Spotlight: When Emily Went Missing by Michael Weems

Spotlight: When Emily Went Missing by Michael Weems

Amazon ~ Goodreads
December 26, 2020
231 pages

“It was the flowers that killed the farmer’s wife. I dreamed about it after getting shot in the head.”

Ruth Gonzales introduces us to her strange world where a haunted flower garden is her best friend, she hears thoughts that are not her own, and she dreams the memories of the dead in the small town of Foxglove, Texas. Ruth has a rule. The Rule of the Dead is a simple one – Ruth doesn’t tell anyone about the thoughts she hears or the memories of the dead she dreams. But when a classmate disappears and Ruth begins to dream of a world in oil paintings, she realizes she may be compelled to break The Rule to do what is right.

Young adult to adult fiction. Book has mild profanity (no f-bombs, but a few cuss words are used sporadically). Book does contain some violence, particularly the first chapter. Reader discretion is advised.


Michael Weems is an Amazon best selling author of The Ghosts of Varner Creek and Border Crossings. When Emily Went Missing is his third novel.